7-Day Free Trial

All Memberships Include:
7-Day Free Trial
Bully support for parents
Access to all monthly expert-led events
Slang translations + influencer reviews
Dangerous trend reviews
An evolving library of scripts, tips, and resources
Analysis of games, apps, and tech news
Parent self-care discussions
A private community for like-minded parents

Frequently asked Questions

What does Camplight Membership include?
All members get full access to the platform. That means all expert-led events, scripts, resources, guides, and our community platform of like-minded parents.
Is Camplight anti-tech?
Not at all. Our philosophy is that as parents, we need to learn how to navigate technology in a healthy way while remaining vigilant of the very real dark sides. There is a balance, and big decisions are not one-size-fits-all. We help you navigate these considerations by telling you what we know, what we don't know, and what the data shows - so you can make the best decisions for your family. We support families that are tech-minimalists. We also support families that are very proactive with how they introduce technology.
Is Camplight appropriate for my child to use?
Camplight is intended for parent use, and all of the content and community is designed for parents to be more informed on how to raise kids in a world shaped by technology. There may be some content that you want to share with your child, but Camplight access is for parents.
Can my partner and I use the same account?
You are welcome to create a family account and setup your profile accordingly. Many parents prefer to have their own accounts so they can engage with the community individually. It's up to you!
What if Camplight isn't right for me?
With our 7-day free trial, cancel anytime in the first 7 days with no charge. After that, you can cancel your membership's next renewal at anytime. Please reach out to support@camplight.com with any additional questions.
How do I access Camplight?
You can access Camplight on your desktop or mobile phone or on our iOS/Andoid app!
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